AdLock for Windows – Download the Best Ad Blocker for Windows to Remove Ads & Pop-ups
AdLock for Windows
Meet AdLock — an unrivaled standalone ad blocker for Windows devices. Our adblocking software removes ads from all browsers, games, and other apps providing top-notch privacy security all along. Being lightweight, convenient, and elegant, AdLock is an absolute unit.

AdLock — the best ad blocker software for Windows

Ad Blocking
AdLock is a game-changing ad block for Windows. Working systemwide, it blocks all types of commercials: pop-ups, banners, autoplay video ads on all modern browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox) and on apps (Skype, KMPlayer, uTorrent, etc.)

Safe browsing
AdLock is a complex multitool providing the best quality protection from phishing, malware intrusion, and malicious ads. Our defender module checks URLs of suspicious websites before you click them and warns you about the possibility of your device getting infected.

Defensive security
The Web nowadays is like the streets of Brazil — everything and everyone tries to steal your valuables. AdLock is built by cybersecurity experts according to the best sensitive data protection practices. It protects your personal data from spies, crooks, and phishers.

Speed up website loading
AdLock does not just hide ads from your eyes but it disables their code which removes both ads and their placeholders. The web pages look nice and clean, with no empty boxes. By doing so, Adlock boosts page loading speed to make your overall browsing experience much smoother.
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About AdLock for Windows
AdLock is an ad blocker for Windows with killing abilities. Our ad remover can block all know types of annoying online advertisements: pop up banners, flashing banners, text ads, autoplay, YouTube ads, Skype ads, video ads, etc. You’re going to enjoy adfree web surfing again!
Meet the best ad blocker for PC
- Our ad blocking program works on Windows 7, 8, 10.
- AdLock can remove ads from browser and applications.
- Our ad blocker software for Windows can provide online protection for your personal data no matter what website you’re visiting.
- AdLock substantially speeds up pages loading, you will notice a change for better even if you visit social sites on Internet Explorer.
- Our ad stopper has safebrowsing features, meaning AdLock won’t allow you to visit a suspicious website if it finds its URL on the list of malicious web sources.
AdLock is a complex solution for everyone who wants to get rid of online commercials. Download ad blocker for Windows and be sure it will stop any quirky banner from nipping at your screen. If you still don’t believe us, check out the free AdLock trial for 14 days here or subscribe on our newsletters and get one month of using for free.

Users reviews
Fantastic! 100% best ad blocker for windows 7, 8, 10!!
this works really well with my windows 10. Thank you AdLock team!
Used your app to block ads on Windows 7, worked like a charm. Now run it on my Windows 10 laptop.
I bought 5 keys and use them on Mac and Windows. Both products work perfectly fine for me. Gonna try adlock on Android, they say it’s a systemwide app.
Nice one to block ads in windows
My first-ranking priority while choosing an ad blocker for Windows was privacy security utility. Surfing numerous forums I bumped into an article about AdLock and its functionality. The article was not very credible, ngl, but I decided to try the app. And you know what? Adlock is a hecking treasure!
Download ad blocker exe. file for Windows from our website and then proceed with the installation. The whole installation and setting up procedure is accompanied by tips and hints, so you shouldn’t make anything wrong. Make sure you’ve looked through our detailed User Guide as it contains additional info and answers to commonly asked questions.
We have friendly and professional customer support managers who will be glad to assist you 24/7. If something goes wrong, feel free to contact us at But first, please, be sure you’ve looked through the User Guide for Android users. In the majority of cases, AdLock users find solutions to their problems there.
Most ad blockers for Windows devices are regular extensions for browsers. Such solutions are neutered and can’t block all types of ads. AdLock is the best ad blocking software on the net as it operates systemwide. It blocks all known types of commercials — banners, pop-ups, video adverts, etc. in all browsers and applications you use. The cherry on top — AdLock provides reliable data protection. A price of a cup of coffee for a multi-tool? Give me two!
The solution is quite easy. Please reinstall the application or click the “Repair” button to restore the service (You may need administrator privileges). Please, keep in mind: you should delete the current user setting during the uninstall procedure.
You can check the version of AdLock for Windows by following the steps below:
- Launch AdLock for Windows;
- Check the number on the right side of “AdLock ver.” at the top left of the screen (example:
If you install AdLock and other ad blocking apps on the same device, you may experience unexpected problems with your internet connection, web browser, etc. even if you disable one of them. It’s highly recommended to use one adblocker. Why would you need several solutions when you have AdLock, the complex multitool?